Our Services

Evergreen Counseling is a boutique, trauma-informed therapy center dedicated to helping you get exactly the right combination of therapy support services you and your loved ones may need.

How we can help you.

To that end, our services include individual therapy services for adolescents, and adults. We also offer couples counseling, family counseling, and parent counseling for those times when you and your loved ones need skilled support in addition to any individual therapy work you may do.

Watercolor | Evergreen Counseling

Evidence-Based Therapy Modalities We Use

Learn more about the evidence-based therapy modalities we use to treat a wide range of clinical issues.

What if I’m Not Ready?

If you don’t feel quite ready to book a complimentary consult call yet, that’s completely fine.

We don’t want you to feel pressured and we know that the choice to seek out therapy can feel difficult.

Part of you wants to do it, and another part of you is, perhaps, scared to begin because of the feelings you might have to finally feel.

Or a part of you questions whether or not you can even be helped at all.

Whatever the reason, no matter how ready or not ready you feel to begin therapy, we want you to have the information you need to make an informed choice.

So, to that end, please explore the additional information below to learn more about us and how we can help you.

We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to reach out for support.

Schedule Your No-Cost Consultation to Explore Therapy

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What kind of therapy would you benefit from?

Take our 20-question, five-minute quiz to find out what kind of specialized therapy support you might need right now.