Therapy Issues

Vicarious Trauma

Are you struggling with the effects of vicarious trauma?

Right now, you might be experiencing:


  • Severe Burnout: Apathy and disinterest in your work, feeling drained by the constant exposure to traumatic material.
  • Career Dread: Growing dread about staying in a career that endlessly exposes you to trauma.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: Regular intrusive thoughts related to the traumatic content you’ve encountered.
  • Physical Symptoms: Sleep disturbances, muscle tension, and profound fatigue.
  • Mood Changes: Depression, anxiety, and a marked change in your overall well-being.

You’ve started to recognize how unresolved vicarious trauma is impacting your life:

  • Career Uncertainty: Contemplating leaving your career—even though it would be financially challenging—because you’re unsure how much longer you can face the content of your work.
  • Parental Adjustments: Adjusting your parenting style and what you allow your loved ones to do because of the content you’ve been exposed to.
  • Social Withdrawal: Shutting yourself off from relationships with people who don’t “get it,” leading to increased isolation.
  • Short Temper: Becoming short-tempered and easily startled, with family and friends beginning to express concern.
  • Health Decline: Both your mental and physical health are suffering, leaving you feeling depleted and unwell.

You’re wondering…

  • Is vicarious trauma a real thing? Is that what’s happening to me?
  • If I address my vicarious trauma, does that mean I have to stay in my job? What if leaving is the right answer?
  • Shouldn’t I be able to handle this on my own?
  • How do I know if this is severe enough to get trauma therapy for?
  • How do I know if this is severe enough to warrant trauma therapy?
  • Will I have to talk about all the details and re-live them again? Why should I do that?

You’re longing for…

  • Return to Yourself: To feel like your old self again, to believe that the world isn’t a completely terrible place.
  • Restful Sleep: The ability to sleep through the night without intrusive thoughts disturbing your peace.
  • Emotional Calm: To think back on what you’ve witnessed without feeling a racing heart and sweaty palms.
  • Career Clarity: A clear answer about whether you can and should stay in your career.
  • Presence in Life: The ability to be present for your family and life again, free from the overwhelming impact of what you’ve witnessed.


What you’re longing for is possible.

At Evergreen Counseling, we have a team of seasoned, evidence-based, trauma-trained therapists skilled in treating vicarious trauma.

Imagine the Transformation Through Trauma Therapy

By pursuing trauma therapy for vicarious trauma, you can imagine:

Before Therapy After Therapy

Overwhelm, apathy, despair, and burnout so severe that you’re contemplating leaving your job and career.

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More capacity and choice to think through your options deliberately, from a place of empowerment and not just reactivity.

Disrupted sleep, waking up from dreams and nightmares that bring the trauma content back to the forefront.

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More restful sleep, leaving you better equipped to handle your days with greater capacity.

A distorted worldview where you can see only the bad, hard things, and intrusive thoughts that come out of nowhere.

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A grounded worldview with reduced or eliminated intrusive thoughts, allowing you to enjoy your life more fully.

Depression, anxiety, and withdrawal from your relationships because you don’t want your loved ones to be exposed to your low mood.

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A greater sense of mental well-being, with increased ability to move towards supportive relationships rather than away from them.

What if I’m Not Ready?

Not Quite Ready to Book a Complimentary Concierge Matching Call? That’s Okay.

We understand that taking the first step towards therapy can feel overwhelming. We’re here to make this decision easier for you.

Starting therapy can bring up mixed feelings—part of you might be eager, while another part hesitates to confront deeply buried emotions. You might doubt whether therapy can help, especially if you’ve struggled for a long time or had disappointing experiences with untrained therapists or life coaches. At Evergreen Counseling, our trauma-trained therapists are deeply committed to providing expert care.

Here’s How We Can Help You Move Forward

  • Complimentary Concierge Matching Call: Our concierge matching call is an opportunity for you to ask questions, share your concerns, and see if our approach feels right for you—without any obligation.
  • Reimbursement Options: Concerned about the cost? We can guide you on how to get reimbursed for therapy using your out-of-network insurance benefits, making high-quality care more accessible to you.
  • Informed Decision: Whether you’re ready to start or still exploring your options, we want you to feel fully informed and confident in your choice.

Schedule Your Complimentary Concierge Matching Call

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