Therapy Issues

Vicarious Trauma

Right now, as a result of your unresolved vicarious trauma, you may be experiencing…

  • Severe burnout, apathy, and disinterest in your work. 
  • Dread about staying in a career that exposes you to traumatic material endlessly.
  • Intrusive thoughts of the trauma content regularly.
  • Sleep disturbances, muscle tension, and a profound sense of fatigue.
  • Depression, anxiety, and a marked change in your mood and well-being.

You’re realizing that your unresolved vicarious trauma is getting in the way of your life…

  • You’re contemplating leaving your career – even though it would be terrible financially – because you don’t know how much longer you can face the content of the work.
  • You’re not able to show up for your kids like you used to, you’re barely present.
  • You’re shutting yourself off from other relationships in your life who don’t “get it.”
  • You’re short-tempered, and easily startled, and your family and friends are starting to get concerned.
  • Your health is suffering – your mental health as well as your physical health.

You’re wondering…

  • Is vicarious trauma a real thing? Is that what’s going on for me?
  • If I deal with my vicarious trauma, will I be able to stay in this job? Or should I still think about leaving?
  • Shouldn’t I be able to handle this on my own? 
  • How do I know if this is severe enough to get trauma therapy for?
  • Will I have to talk about all the details and re-live it again? 
  • Is this actually going to work or am I just going to have a nervous breakdown…

You’re longing for…

  • To feel like your old self again. To feel like the world isn’t a completely terrible place.
  • An ability to sleep through the night and not have so many intrusive thoughts.
  • An ability to think back on what you witnessed and went through without feeling a racing heart and sweaty palms.
  • A clear answer about whether or not you can and should stay in your career.
  • An ability to be present for your family and your life again, and not to feel ruled by what you’ve witnessed and how negatively it’s impacted you. 
  • The capacity to make it through your work day and not have to drink as soon as you get home to cope with it all…

What you’re longing for is possible.

At Evergreen Counseling, we have a staff of seasoned, evidence-based therapists skilled in treating vicarious trauma.

How we can help you

By pursuing therapy for vicarious trauma, you can imagine the following:

Before Therapy After Therapy

Overwhelm, apathy, despair, and burnout so severe you’re contemplating leaving your job and career.

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More capacity and choice to think through your options deliberately, from a place of empowerment and not just reactivity.

Disrupted sleep, waking up from dreams and nightmares that bring the trauma content back to the forefront.

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More restful sleep, leaving you more equipped for your days with greater capacity as you move through them.

Strained, fractured, distant relationships with your spouse, kids, friends, and co-workers.

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Repaired and restored relationships because you got the help you needed.

A perpetual sense that you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

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Feeling like your old self again and like you can handle life.

What if I’m Not Ready?

If you don’t feel quite ready to book a complimentary consult call yet, that’s completely fine.

We don’t want you to feel pressured and we know that the choice to seek out therapy can feel difficult.

Part of you wants to do it, and another part of you is, perhaps, scared to begin because of the feelings you might have to finally feel.

Or a part of you questions whether or not you can even be helped at all.

Whatever the reason, no matter how ready or not ready you feel to begin therapy, we want you to have the information you need to make an informed choice.

So, to that end, please explore the additional information below to learn more about us and how we can help you.

We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to reach out for support.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

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