Therapy Services

Adolescent Therapy

Schedule Your Complimentary Concierge Matching Call

Right now, you may be wondering how on earth to help your teenager.

You’ve seen changes in them recently that’s made you concerned.

You’re watching them withdraw from you, their friend, the interests they used to enjoy.

They’re spending more and more time in their room and you’re not really sure who they’re speaking to these days.

You suspect and worry that they’re having problems at school and that something that might have happened with their friends.

You know they’re having a hard time as they question their identity, friendships, and place in the world.

You question if they’re experimenting with substances and behaviors that could harm them but at the same time they shut down the second you try and approach those topics.

You can’t seem to get through to them no matter how much you want to be there for them.

You’re really worried and you’ve realized you need professional help.

The bottom line is this:

Adolescence is a time that teens often need support the most and yet it’s also a time where they push away from their parents the most.

The need for having a safe, trusted other to talk through all the very hard, challenging, and painful aspects of adolescence doesn’t go away. And yet if your teen is no longer able or willing to open up to you about what’s going on for them, getting them lined up with professional support is the best possible thing you can do for them right now.

They will have their own dedicated, confidential therapist who isn’t their parent, who isn’t their friend, who isn’t their teacher. And in this relationship they can feel safe and comfortable enough to open up about what’s going on and receive the support they need to make good, healthy choices and navigate the stormy waters of the next few years in self-supporting (versus self-destructive) ways.

Our expert team of dedicated and skilled adolescent therapists and teen experrts have extensive experience working tweens and teens.

We’ve worked with school systems and collaborated with other teen professionals.

Utilizing a wide range of diverse, age-appropriate modalities, our adolescent therapists know what it takes to create a safe, confidential space that even the most therapist-resistant teen can feel comfortable in.

We would love to be of support to your teenager (and to you and your family) through adolescent therapy at Evergreen Counseling.

Some of the issues we can help you with through adolescent therapy

  • Depression and suicidal ideation.
  • Anxiety (including panic attacks and test taking anxiety)
  • Self harming behaviors.
  • Disordered eating and eating disorders.
  • Gender exploration and identity issues.
  • Executive functioning challenges.
  • Substance use and abuse.
  • Peer challenges, strain, and bullying.
  • Grief and loss.
  • Adjusting to major life stressors such as divorce and blending families.
  • And more.

What if I’m Not Ready?

If you don’t feel quite ready to book a complimentary consult call yet, that’s completely fine.

We know that getting buy in from your teen to have the consult call and go to therapy might be complex.

If they are not ready to speak to us yet, that’s fine.

We encourage you to share this page with them, the bios of our therapists, and, if they finally feel willing, to have a consult call (in addition to you) so that they feel truly bought into who they might work with as a therapist.

Schedule Your Complimentary Concierge Matching Call

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