Annie Wright, LMFT

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Phonetic pronunciation of name: “ANN-KNEE”

Role at Evergreen: Clinician, Founder of Evergreen Counseling

However you are, no matter what’s going on in your life right now, the fact that you’re here on this page says to me that a part of you is hopeful that things can be different for you. That healing is possible. That you’re ready for something better. That part of you is so wise. Something better is possible, no matter where you’re starting from in life. This is a bone-deep conviction of mine and the reason why I’m a clinician and why I founded Evergreen Counseling. Because I believe with every cell in my body that, until our last breath, no matter where we’re starting from, change is possible. And it’s my job and my team’s job to help you achieve that change. So again, welcome. I’m so glad that you’re here and I’m truly honored to be of support to you. 

Clinical modalities used with clients

Therapy services location

Remote telehealth sessions for clients all over California and Florida.

Clinical Style

Warm, engaged, direct, relatable, and evidence-based.


Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #95719

Florida Telehealth Provider (TPMF356)


Brown University | BA in Egyptology, BA in History | 2004

California Institute of Integral Studies | Masters in Counseling Psychology | 2012

Advanced Trainings

Member, EMDRIA, #60710950

Complex Trauma Certification Training Levels 1 & 2 (CCTP/CCTP-II) | Janina Fisher, Ph.D., and Bessel
Van Der Kolk | (in progress)

Integrative Approach to Treating Trauma: Blending IFS, Sensorimotor, Mindfulness, Psychoeducation, and More | Janina Fisher | May 2022

Chronic Suicidality and Self­ Destructive Behavior | Janina Fisher | May 2022

Advanced PTSD Case Conceptualization | Stephanie Sacks, Ph.D. | May 2022

EMDR-Certified Therapist | EMDRIA | July 2021

Attachment-Focused EMDR – Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults Abused as Children | Laurell Parnell, Ph.D. | June 2021

EMDR Basic Training | Sonoma Psychotherapy Training Institute | December 2019

Why I do this work

I can’t not do this work. Not only is this work of trauma recovery my passion, but it’s also my own life story. Having come from a traumatic childhood myself and having personally experienced the life-changing, transformative, and life-giving effects of good trauma therapy, becoming a trauma clinician myself and helping others to achieve this change feels like nothing short of a calling and a mission. I want to be able to support as many people as possible who, despite coming from very adverse childhoods, still have the best adulthood possible.

The best part of my job

Without a doubt, the best part of my job is my clients. I love getting to connect deeply with extraordinary people who, despite having had terrible things happen to them, are still hopeful that change is possible. Every time I meet a new client, I feel like I’m unwrapping a Christmas gift – slowly unfolding, and getting to know the incredible soul who trusts me enough to be a part of their healing journey moves me so much.

How I spend my free time

When I’m not working, I’m with my beloved daughter and husband. We’re either hanging out together or spending time with our wonderful friends. I also make time every day to ride my Peloton, weightlift, or run since exercise is so helpful to my own mental health. I also love puttering around the house, cooking, and doing little projects while listening to fiction books on Audible, learning new languages on Duolingo, and daydreaming about/planning my little family’s next international adventure.

Favorite quote

“She could never go back and make some of the details pretty. All she could do was move forward and make the whole beautiful.”  Terri St. Cloud


Top personal growth resources

  • The Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook: Practical Mind-Body Tools to Heal Trauma, Foster Resilience and Awaken Your Potential by Arielle Schwartz, PhD
  • Transforming The Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists by Janina Fisher, PhD
  • Journey Through Trauma: A Trail Guide to the 5-Phase Cycle of Healing Repeated Trauma by Gretchen Schmelzer, PhD
  • The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self by Alice Miller

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