Therapy Issues

First Responder Trauma

Right now, as a result of your unresolved first responder trauma, you may be experiencing…

  • Nightmares, flashbacks, and sleep disturbances.
  • You may be relying on dependency habits or behaviors to numb your feelings and memories.
  • You may dread staying in a career that exposes you to traumatic material endlessly.
  • Anger, irritation, and rage when off-duty and around the people you care about.
  • Depression, anxiety, and a marked change in your mood and well-being.
  • Social withdrawal and isolation, believing no one else gets it.

You’re realizing that your unresolved first responder trauma is getting in the way of your life…

  • Your health is suffering – your mental health as well as your physical health.
  • You’re distracted while on and off the job and worry about your performance.
  • Your relationships are suffering – your spouse, friends, and loved ones are concerned about you. 
  • You can’t imagine a future in your career but it would be financially impossible to leave, too. You feel stuck.
  • You know your dependency patterns are harmful and yet you don’t know what else to do. 

You’re wondering…

  • Shouldn’t I be able to handle this on my own?
  • Will dealing with this trauma lead to clarity about whether I should stay in this job or not?
  • How do I know if what I’m going through is severe enough to get trauma therapy for?
  • Will I have to talk about all the details and re-live it again? Why should I do that, especially with a stranger?

You’re longing for…

  • A chance to feel like your old self again. Someone who had a lot of capacity for hard things.
  • An ability to sleep through the night and not wake your partner up with your nightmares.
  • A day – even an hour – where the intrusive thoughts don’t come up and distract you. 
  • A clear answer about whether or not you can and should stay in your career.
  • An ability to be present for your family and your life again, and not to feel ruled by what you’ve witnessed and how negatively it’s impacted you. 

What you’re longing for is possible.

At Evergreen Counseling, we have a staff of seasoned, evidence-based therapists skilled in treating first-responder trauma.

How we can help you

By pursuing therapy for first-responder trauma, you can imagine the following:

Before Therapy After Therapy

Numbness, apathy, despair, and burnout so severe you’re contemplating leaving your job and career.

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More capacity and choice to think through your options deliberately, from a place of empowerment and not just reactivity.

Disrupted sleep, waking up from dreams and nightmares that bring the trauma content back to the forefront.

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More restless sleep, leaving you more equipped for your days with greater capacity as you move through them.

A distorted worldview where you can see only bad, hard things and intrusive thoughts that come out of nowhere.

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A grounded worldview and reduced and reduced or eliminated intrusive thoughts, leaving you more able to enjoy your life.

Depression, anxiety, and withdrawal from your relationships because you don’t want your loved ones to be exposed to your low mood.

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A greater sense of mental well-being and increased choices and abilities to move towards your supportive relationships; not away from them.

What if I’m Not Ready?

If you don’t feel quite ready to book a complimentary consult call yet, that’s completely fine.

We don’t want you to feel pressured and we know that the choice to seek out therapy can feel difficult.

Part of you wants to do it, and another part of you is, perhaps, scared to begin because of the feelings you might have to finally feel.

Or a part of you questions whether or not you can even be helped at all.

Whatever the reason, no matter how ready or not ready you feel to begin therapy, we want you to have the information you need to make an informed choice.

So, to that end, please explore the additional information below to learn more about us and how we can help you.

We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to reach out for support.

Schedule Your No-Cost Consultation to Explore Therapy

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