Therapy Issues

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)

Right now, as a result of your unresolved C-PTSD, you may be experiencing…

  • Intense feelings of worthlessness, shame, and guilt.
  • Dissociative flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance.
  • Challenges regulating your emotions.
  • A pattern of unstable and fractured relationships. 
  • Avoidance of external reminders, and avoidance of thoughts and feelings associated with the traumatic event(s).

You’re realizing that your C-PTSD is unresolved and it’s getting in the way of your life…

  • Your world is getting smaller and smaller and more controlled as you creatively avoid any reminder of the traumatic event(s) you went through. 
  • You can’t seem to focus at work and find yourself disassociating through the day and not by choice. 
  • You have poor boundaries with other people and you find yourself starting to withdraw and isolate because relationships feel painful, exhausting, and like a mystery to navigate. 
  • You’re having emotional flashbacks – feeling the same intense emotions of shame, guilt, and despair as you did when the original trauma occurred.
  • You may feel persistently sad, perpetually anxious, or chronically numb.

You’re wondering…

  • Is C-PTSD even a real diagnosis? Is that what’s going on for me?
  • I think my childhood was okay. Why then are all these symptoms happening to me?
  • Will I have to talk about all the details and re-live it again? Why should I do that?
  • I feel broken. Is it too late to overcome this?

You’re longing for…

  • To feel more equipped to handle life. Particularly the relationships in your life. 
  • A more stable, consistent self of self and steady sense of esteem as you move through your days.
  • To feel like you can get through the day without using unhealthy behaviors and habits that you know aren’t good for you.
  • An ability to feel at ease in your body, not to be in a constant state of fight/flight/freeze.
  • To be able to stay present and not “drift off” at work, when someone’s talking, etc.

What you’re longing for is possible.

At Evergreen Counseling, we have a staff of seasoned, evidence-based trauma-trained therapists skilled in treating C-PTSD.

How we can help you

By pursuing trauma therapy for C-PTSD, you can imagine the following:

Before Therapy After Therapy

You don’t have a name for your experience and what you’ve gone through. You know something’s wrong but you don’t know what it is.

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You have a clear sense of what’s going on for you, a cohesive narrative, and a pathway out.

You do whatever you can to avoid reminders of the traumatic event(s) and are making your world smaller and more controlled and deadened.

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You have a greater capacity to face your triggers and feel more like you have more about your life.

You’re relying on self-sabotaging and destructive coping behaviors and harmful habits to numb out the feelings.

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You’ve replaced your self-sabotaging behaviors with more healthy and functional choices and behaviors.

You have a history of broken friendships, poor romantic partners, and people who seem to take advantage of you.

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You have more relational skills to attract and keep healthy, functional relationships in your life.

What if I’m Not Ready?

If you don’t feel quite ready to book a complimentary consult call yet, that’s completely fine.

We don’t want you to feel pressured and we know that the choice to seek out therapy can feel difficult.

Part of you wants to do it, and another part of you is, perhaps, scared to begin because of the feelings you might have to finally feel.

Or a part of you questions whether or not you can even be helped at all.

Whatever the reason, no matter how ready or not ready you feel to begin therapy, we want you to have the information you need to make an informed choice.

So, to that end, please explore the additional information below to learn more about us and how we can help you.

We’ll be here whenever you’re ready to reach out for support.

Schedule Your No-Cost Consultation to Explore Therapy

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