Kirsten Mahoney

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Phonetic pronunciation of name: “KEER-STEN”

Role at Evergreen: Practice Manager

Kirsten | Evergreen Counseling

What drew me to work at Evergreen

Evergreen had all the essential elements I look for in a professional home: A mission to make the world a better place, a community that values the complexity of the human experience, and leadership that understands listening and collaboration is the key to success.

The best part of my job

Because I deeply value left-brained and right-brained thinking, I love the variety of hats I get to wear and how that allows me the chance to engage myself and the people I work with on a multitude of levels. And I love that feelings not only matter here but they are at the core of what we do and how we show up.

How I spend my free time

Family, consisting of my son and husband (as well as one Bubbe and 2 aunts) and friends - almost all of whom I’ve known for over 30 years - are everything to me BUT when I am not with them I am engaging in either wing foiling, woodworking, exercising, or reading.

Favorite quote

“Be the change you want to see in the world” Gandhi 

Top personal growth resources

  • I Will Not Die An Unlived Life: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion by Dawna Markova, PhD
  • A Year To Live: How To Live This Year As If It Were Your Last by Stephen Levine
  • Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD
  • MBSR guided meditation recordings – Jon Kabat-Zinn

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